Sunday, July 5, 2020

June 29 - July 5

A couple new species for me this week.

Barn Swallow

Rock Pigeon

Other shots from this past week:

Green Heron

Indigo Bunting

Killdeer Chick

I found a web resource called The Photographer’s Ephemeris which helps predict the location of the rising and setting sun and moon for any location on earth along with the corresponding dates and times.  This allowed me to predict when a setting full moon would lineup with the Ludington North Breakwater Light at approximately the same time the sun was rising.  I had this date saved on my calendar and got up at 5am to drive to the location for this shot.  The planning paid off!

Ludington North Breakwater Light

ps. If you detect that the structure is leaning a bit to the right, you have a good eye.  In 1994 the foundation shifted resulting in a permanent 4deg tilt to the structure.